To facilitate our work for the good of souls the Lord permits little crosses to come to us. This is a wide field for countless graces. Very profitable are those sufferings that we encounter at the hands of others. With what blessed hope we recite over and over the ‘Our Father’ and ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’. This prayer is given us by Jesus himself. Hence, it is sufficient to totally pardon all offences against us to be entitled to the forgiveness of our sins by God. What is true, of course, is that nature reacts badly to suffering and humiliation, but in the light of faith how necessary it is for our soul, how wonderful. Through suffering and humiliation we come closer to God and out of it grows the efficacy of our prayer, so that our missionary work may be more powerful.
Daily Duty is the Best Mortification
Mortification is a good thing, but within the bounds of holy obedience. The best mortification is that which flows from our everyday obligations, and so, those not dependent upon our own will, for those which we take upon ourselves by free choice may well favour self-love. When some cause for impatience arises, bear it serenely. This is the best mortification, for no one notices it, and in the course of the day there are numerous occasions for such mortification. I would like to note that it is important not to be imprudent in mortification. The Immaculata wills that we be healthy, therefore in event of some symptoms of illness, we should go to the infirmary for help. What is most to be recommended is mortification of the will. Everyone of us has his superiors, and he can train and exercise himself in obedience. By this mortification we can bring the greatest possible benefit to souls.
(From Will to Love: Reflections for Daily Living by St. Maximilian Kolbe, ‘Prophet of the Civilization of Love’.)
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