Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Month of the Two Crowns.

Dear Friends, 

The Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe and the solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady have passed and I had hoped to write a few words before then. But  nevertheless we can look back and reflect on both for our meditation . St Maximilan we know as young boy had a vision of the Blessed Virgin in his local Church, after going there to find consolation.

 Our Lady offered him the crowns of sacrifice and purity. Young Raymond at the time accepted both. We know how  through his death in  the cell at Auschwitz,  St Maximilian Kolbe had lived the two crowns as a Conventual Franciscan priest . He had offered his life in union with Christ the Divine Victim on Calvary  to save the life of another. This offering of Kolbe's life was completed on the vigil of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 1941.

Today as MI s we are called as St Maximilian to  follow the Divine Master in union with the Immaculata. Christ calls us to carry the cross and to give our hearts totally to Him. This task can be so diffcult in our daily lives and it risks unpopularity and being misunderstood often by those who are closest to us whether at work, in family and  community. Though we may not be called as Kolbe to give our life for another, It might mean sacrificing our aspirations or legtimate desire for a  higher yet more painfull good. Being misunderstood can be painful especially in the pursuit of what is seemingly good and just. St Maximilian knew this as a friar living in his religious community. May Our Lady and St Maximilain gives us the strength,( when  we are misunderstood or suffer being unpopular), to give  ourselves  to Christ Crucified,through the Immaculata, so Christ  may  live and work through u.

Br Louis Mary OFM Conv

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