Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christ the King

This feast closes the liturgical year and is as a synthesis of the entire salvific mystery
His Kingdom is a kingdom of servitude, love, peace, truth, life, holiness, grace and justice. He must reign in our lives , minds, wills and actions, drawing others into the kingdom by our total submission and desire of Christ, being love for others, revealing the face of the humble King to those that are in our lives.
Christ as King being first  recognized  by a fellow condemned criminal in his request, ' Jesus remember me when You come into Your Kingdom ', was rewarded with a promise of Paradise with Him that very day. Jesus in His abundance of generosity gave this thief more then he could dream of because he saw the majesty of Christ the King in a broken, suffering , condemned and dying criminal on the cross.
Such is Christ the King that they that believe and honour Him with sincere hearts are shown love infinitum.

Christ the King

                    ' The Lord will reign forever and will give His people the gift of Peace '  ,
                                                                                                                 Ps 28:10-11

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Eternal rest grant unto them !
Let perpetual light shine upon them !
May they rest in peace , 

Friday, November 8, 2013

De Profundis,(Psalm 129)

Out of the depths I have cried to Thee O Lord ! Lord hear my voice.
Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
If Thou, O Lord wilt mark iniquities, Lord who shall stand it ?
But there is forgiveness with Thee, because of Thy law I wait for Thee, O Lord
My soul waiteth on His word, my soul hopeth in the Lord
From the morning watch even until night let Israel hope in the Lord
For with the Lord there is mercy and with Him is plentiful redemption
And He shall redeem Israel, from all their iniquities.

Psalm 130 (129) is a partially indulgenced prayer, one of 7 penitential psalms,
in commemorations of the dead it may be sung as part of vespers.
It's title 'De Profundis', comes from the Latin version ,
 in translation,  'Out of the depths'.